The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Friday Feast

Better late than never . . . Feast One Hundred Forty-One Appetizer How fast can you type? Fast. I don't know the actual number. The last time I tested, it was something like 68 wpm, but I do really poorly on the typing tests, because I get freaked out when I make a typo and then I waste all kinds of time. Soup What is your favorite online game? It varies. I like Catan, but it's not free online anymore, so I don't play online. I used to love Literati, which is the Yahoo Games version of Scrabble, but I don't have time to play much. Salad On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), how intelligent do you think you are? Hmm, basic book smarts? Maybe a 8.5. Street smarts? 6ish. Common sense? How about a 9 on that one. Main Course Name three of your best teachers from your school years. I had lots of good ones, but let's see: 1. Mrs. Howells, my kindergarten teacher who became such a good friend to our family that she and her husband even came to my high school graduation party. 2. Mr. Graf - excellent high school English teacher who encouraged my love of reading, not that I needed much encouragement, and also taught us to think about books in more than just a literature way. 3. Mrs. McAleer, who wasn't necessarily excellent in the traditional teaching style, but definitely nurtured my creativity, always believed in me and built my independence. Honorable mention for Mrs. Marrs, the elementary librarian who everyone thought was mean, but I learned wasn't mean at all when I got to be a library assistance. She was actually funny and smart, she cared a lot about books and because of her, I actually knew the Dewey Decimal system. Dessert What are your plans for this upcoming weekend? Today we didn't do much except hang out around the house. Tomorrow is the March of Dimes WalkAmerica, so Eddie and I will be downtown walking 3.1 miles to help raise money to save babies.



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