If We Named Ourselves
Generally, we don't get to chose our own name. Sure, you can legally change your name to pretty much anything you want, including Max Power. But most of us tend to stick with the moniker our folks chose, possibly with the addition of a married name. We make peace with it and/or learn to love it, if we didn't before, and that's that.
I'm fine with Jami now, though I still maintain that it's a nickname and I always wished for a "full" name, sigh, oh well. I think Jami looks cute typed and written. My middle, maiden and married names all also have 4 letters, making me a perfect square, at least name-wise. It's quick to write and even though old people tend to call me Janey or Jenny, most people don't say "WHAT?" when I introduce myself.
BUT, if I'd named myself, it would have been at about age 4 when I decided that I was Cynthia (Cindy for short). I refused to answer to Jami, only one of the aforementioned names. I wrote "Cindy" in my coloring books and on my "papers" from playing school. My mother began to worry about how she'd explain to the kindergarten teacher that even though my name technically was Jami, she'd have to call me Cindy if she wanted an answer. Long story short, the situation resolved itself before school started, and instead of me, a life-sized doll answered to "Cynthia" (well, not really answered, but you know what I mean).
Some days I wonder what would have become of me had my parents let me keep the more girly "Cynthia" and ditch the possibly unisex "Jami/Jamie/Jamey . . ." Would I have become more perky and bubbly as Cindy? A cheerleader and the Prom Queen? Would I have shown a stronger interest in name-brand jeans and eyelash curlers? We all know about Shakespeare and the rose is a rose . . . blah blah blah, but how can I be sure? Like it or not, you have an expectation of someone, however weak and changeable, based on their name. So would I still be ME as Cindy or would I have been some other me? We'll never know.
If you'd named yourself, who would you be?
At 7:41 PM,
Liz said…
I was wildly fond of "Diana" because that was Wonder Woman's name, and only one vowel off from my middle name. I also really liked "Emily"; I thought it was both cute and cool, a creative girl with dark hair and good taste in music. Well, I've got a blonde fireball with good taste in music called Emily now.
But I sort of did change my name - I changed my nickname from the one my parents called me to the one everyone calls me now. I think it suits me pretty well.
At 10:17 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
I am still enamoured with the name of Katherine. Lily is at the top of my list though.
My parents were going to name me April. My cousin beat me to it though. Can you imagine me as April?
At 1:24 PM,
M said…
I liked my name when I was growing up because I was always the only one. Now everywhere I go I hear, "Emily! Put that down!" "Emily, stop running" etc. I keep looking over my shoulder. That's OK though. Like Paperback Writer, I love the name Katherine. I think the nickname Kate is lovely.
At 2:59 PM,
Jami said…
EDW - I loved Wonder Woman, too. I had the Underoos.
PW- I could see you as a Lily. For some reason, I think Katherines are more snobby than you are. Glad you're not April and that your mom didn't go with May as a sort of family joke.
M - I always loved your name, and I like Kate as a nickname too. I guess Katherine wouldn't be as snobby as a Kate.
At 9:56 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
Oh, yeah. I always wanted to be a Katie. Lilly is forever and ever a favorite name. And yes, I'm very glad that they didn't name me May or June or Augusta. That would be...no.
At 3:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOL This blog cracked me up Jami. I also always wanted a longer name that could be shortened (were you also a Jami shortened to "Jam"-long A sound...? lol) When I was little there was a cartoon with a Panda named Pamela and I decided that I wanted my name to be Pamela too. It was pretty, girly, and could be shortened to Pam- a real name, not like Jam (long A sound again). ;) I told my husband this a few years ago and he made the most horrible face and said he's sooo glad I'm not a Pamela/Pam, that he thinks its an ugly name. (Which sparked a debate if he would have not married/dated me if I had another name.. but that's another story...lol) I'm glad too. I've accepted Jami.
However, all of my children will have names that are either feminine or masculine (no unisex!!!), and can be shortened into a nice name. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one discontent with being Jami as a kid. :)
'sokay now though.. we Jamis shall take over the world..... *wink*
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