When You Don't Belong to You Anymore
I'm all for personal rights. I'm somewhat on the libertarian side of the right and I'm all for letting idiots make idiotic choices as long as they aren't hurting or stealing from others and as long as I don't have to pay for their idiocy. But something's been bugging me lately, and I'm going to tell you all about it.
Look, if you want to marry a jerk, a druggie, a felon, or whatever, have a great time. Don't complain to me after you got yourself into it, but hey, if you think you love some guy who beats you twice a day, well - that's your call and make sure you keep your health insurance up to date. If you're a guy who wants to marry a crack ho who steals your valuables and hooks for cash, knock yourself out and get a good safe for your watch. BUT, if you choose to marry someone who is evil, a criminal and/or addicted, get whatever tubes you have tied!! You signed up for that, some poor innocent kid didn't. Once you have kids, you've forfeited your right to be a self-destructive (or other destructive) moron. Sorry, turn in your irresponsible card and get on the Parent Train.
This sounds like a no-brainer, I know, but somewhere along the way, parental responsibility got chucked out the window and replaced by "my needs" or "fullfillment" or "finding myself" or some such crap. I watched a reality show last week in which a couple had beat each other bloody. They looked like escaped extras from a corny horror flick and were trying to convince the police that they were fine and nothing was wrong, even though they both had blood dripping and smeared from head to toe (seriously!!) and several big bruises, cuts and bumps. The Husband and I were laughing at their foolishness until a door opened and their THREE little kids came out and saw their parents like that. The mom's big concern - she needed a cigarette before she got hauled off to jail. Later, seeing herself in the mirror, she started to cry, realizing her kids had seen her like that. But it's a little late, then, doncha think?
This goes for more than extreme cases like the above. Multiple step-families being blended and unblended, parents acting like teens, parents choosing a new sweetheart over their kids (I see this more than you'd believe), allowing kids to make grown-up decisions - come on, people! Kids aren't accessories or pets. Stop treating them like it. Once you make 'em - they own you.
Labels: Parenting
At 2:32 PM,
Unknown said…
I was all psyched to argue with you until you went and said stuff I agree with. As parents, a lot of people seem to forget that it's not about you anymore. It's about the kids. You have to do everything in their best interests, even if it costs you some price. That what parenting means.
At 3:07 PM,
Liz said…
I couldn't agree with you more. It literally makes me sick to my stomach sometimes when I see stuff like that.
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Parts of this post hit home with me. Like the part about getting beaten twice (or like in my case,even more a day. I'm glad I got myself out of an abusive relationship. I feel better about myself now. Lori
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