The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Feast

Feast One Hundred Twenty Eight Appetizer If you could take lessons to learn any musical instrument, which would you want to learn? Either piano or guitar. I'd probably rather learn piano, but you can't play the piano around the campfire and I love singing around the campfire, but don't have anyone to play guitar for me. Anyone who plays guitar want to go camping this summer? Soup Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else? Oh my yes, all the time. I once talked to someone for several minutes on the subway - I thought she was a school classmate I hadn't seen since graduation - before she said "Do I know you?" and I said "Chris, it's me, Jami" and she said "My name isn't Chris and I don't know any Jamis". Also I used to not wear my glasses when I was in high school, so I mistook people all the time. Salad On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets? 7, depending on the seriousness of the secret Main Course What's the closest you've ever been to a dangerous animal? about 18 inches from the lions at MGM Grand in Vegas. Of course, there is thick serious glass there .. . Dessert When was the last time you lost your patience? Goodness, when was the last time I FOUND it?



  • At 10:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    18 inches is really close. I havent sung around a campfire in ages. Thanks for posting today!

  • At 8:44 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Bah! Patience and I never go along.


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