The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Closer, but Ruder

I recently had a rather jarring experience. I discovered that one of my good friends is rude. This might sound ridiculously stupid, how can you not know someone is rude? But here's how it happened. I'd been planning to meet a few friends for lunch. One of us had even rearranged some activities and given up a favorite pastime to be there. While the idea was mostly just to get together, we also called it a late birthday celebration for me. Then, one friend didn't show. Called at the last minute, she'd forgotten this other thing, with another friend, sorry, see you some other time. More surprised than hurt, I said to the Husband, "Can you believe Shawna (not her real name) would blow us off like that?" The Husband looked at me like I must be kidding and then said "Are you kidding?" I looked at him blankly, what did that mean? He continued "Haven't you ever noticed that Shawna is totally inconsiderate?" I immediately jumped to her defense! She volunteers, she does this, she does that, she's such a good person. "Yes," he patiently "She is a very good person who does nice things for people, but she pulls this kind of thing all the time." He easily rattled off several other times Shawna has done this exact thing to me or our mutual friends. I was gobsmacked. I've known her for years, and it never really sunk in - she's just plain rude about this one thing. And, the better she knows you, the worse it gets - at first, she's late, but on her way or she gives you more notice. I guess her increasing rudeness in this area is a testament to her confidence in the friendship. The friend she blew me off to see - it's the one who doesn't call her to make dates, who isn't always available, who probably pulls the same thing on her. I'm not going to go down that path - I don't have it in me and I don't play games. I'll probably keep going on the way I have, but next time, I won't be surprised.


  • At 10:07 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I try very, very hard not to be rude. I'm sure I fail every so often - more often then I'm comfortable admitting. If I'm every rude to you, let me know and I'll smack myself up.

  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    Don't worry, PW, it wasn't you. I'm fairly certain that the person doesn't read my blog. Although I did wonder when I wrote it how many people would think "maybe she means me" :D I would if I read it; I'd scour my memory for when I might have stood the person up.

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I'm glad it's not me! :)

  • At 8:45 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I have complete blinders on when it comes to friends - I have had the same sort of thing happen, and my husband has said the same thing to me. and what I take from it, is that my husband always has my back - he looks out for me even when I don't think he is! Did that make sense? At all?

  • At 10:22 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    That makes total sense, sounds like our husbands are alike, too :D

  • At 6:35 AM, Blogger lila said…

    I enjoy your blog--found it as you had done a drive by at mine.
    Reading through--this post stuck out for me--not sure why but it did.

    Standing you up or being late etc... is not what I would call rude. Especially when in the same breath you admit she is a good person who helps people. (which is worth its weight in gold).

    My question--did you take this up with your friend? Ask her--find out why she seems to always do this? I mean--how bad could it have been if you didnt notice until your husband pointed it out?

    I dont know you or her and I AM sticking my nose where it doesnt belong. I mean NO offense.

    Perhaps your friend is guilty of a lack of consideration but until you ask her directly--you will not know for sure and can only blog about it while creating doubt in your other friends who wonder if its them your talking about.

    Hold your friends close--this one seems to assume your understanding and acceptance.
    I am a young grandmother DX with a chronic illness that keeps me home bound more than not and I found out who my friends really are--the number dwindled.

    The explanations you will now have to give in ordered that your other friends dont think its them opens an even larger can of worms than being stood up!

  • At 5:44 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Bubbi - thanks for your input. I do think that we all are late sometimes and it's not necessarily rude to be late, but I think it is when you make a habit of it. You're basically saying, "you will go by my schedule, you're not important enough to me to be on time most of the time." Things happen, but when it's every time you're supposed to meet, then yes, I think it is rude.

    I didn't take it up with her because I have let it go so many times. It's not that I didn't notice it each time, it's that every time I was hurt, then forgave her and basically forgot it, which is pretty my my MO for small things. My husband merely pointed out the pattern to me, because it's more important to him when someone hurts his wife's feelings repeatedly.

    I don't intend to bring it up to her, I think it's her nature. I think that really, unless you recently stood me up, it's not you. Also, this person told me "I never read people's blogs, they're boring, like diaries" so I assume she's not reading this one. I also don't intend to ditch her as a friend, just next time, I won't EXPECT her to show up, or to show up on time, and then I won't be hurt, I'll just be happy to see her if she does arrive on time.

    YOu're right, good people are hard to find, but I do think we should make an effort to be as good to our old friends as we are to our new ones.


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