The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, September 29, 2006

"Al" You Need is Love

Okay, I had to put the quotes in the title because I know if I didn't, everyone would either just assume it said "All" or think it was a typo, but ooooh baby, do I mean Al. As in Al Yankovic, AKA Weird Al. Last night around 11pm I learned his latest CD had dropped Tuesday and somehow I hadn't known that was going to happen. I called the Husband at work (he was closing last night) in whatever state is just below panic "AL has a new CD out!" I cried "And how is it that I don't own it? This is unacceptable." I laid out my plan for him to go out this morning and purchase it with some of my birthday money. Instead, my loving husband actually stopped on the way home, after midnight, to procure for me this musical masterpiece. I know what you're thinking - Weird Al? Sure, he's had a few funny moments. And I say to you "FOOL! Do you not know the genius that is Al?" He does write hilarious original music (many people seem unaware of that) and if you want to dispute his genius, you take ONE hit song, and write a funny, relevant parody that exactly fits and matches the tone and style of the song. Go ahead. I'm waiting . . . Not easy is it? Now do 5 or so for an album! See, I don't have a crush on Al. Oh no, please don't cheapen my feelings by using that term. No, I have a real, true, deep and abiding love for Al. He's brilliant, he's hilarious, he understands the pain of growing up with naturally curly hair and bad eyesight! I was heartbroken when he got married without even trying to lure me away from the Husband first (not that we were tight, but you just know if he'd have gotten to know me, he'd have loved me). Sigh. So I know how much the Husband loves me because he bought me an album that will remind me how much I adore some other man, probably his biggest rival. Of course, that's why I love the Husband. He's secure. Sure, Al's great, but he knows that in the end, I'd stick with the Husband. Also, for as much as I love Al, I know it couldn't work between us. He's a vegetarian and the only thing I know how to make without meat in it is macaroni and cheese. Oh, and the CD's great. Go get it right now.


  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    You crack me up. :-)

  • At 1:09 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I saw his video today. And I laughed my ass off. Of course, Loki, was sleeping so I couldn't laugh too hard. Then again, he'd appreciate it!

  • At 2:33 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    I heard "Don't Download This Song"... hilarious! Is the eBay song also on that CD? That one's great, too.


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