A Kiss Isn't Just A Kiss
While changing out Eddie's clothes yesterday (goodbye, 6-9 month stuff - sniff, sniff), I had Scrubs season 2 playing in the DVD player (thanks, M!). One episode had a fantastic kiss between two characters, and even though it wasn't their first kiss, it had that feel to it. I love first kisses. I don't really get anymore, the Husband frowns on that sort of thing, so I get my fix for first kisses from TVs and movies.
As Lucy says in 50 First Dates, that there's nothing quite like a first kiss, and she's absolutely right. A first kiss is filled with longing and possibilities. It's almost magical - exciting and scary and wonderful. Don't get me wrong, I still love kissing the Husband, it's still wonderful and exciting, but different. Not worse, just different. I tried explaining this to a friend once, who immediately told me that she felt that exact same way every time she kissed her husband and that if I didn't there might be something wrong. I worried for a bit and then realized that either she was lying to herself or to me, afraid I'd think she didn't love her husband anymore. But it's not the same.
So, thinking about that, and having mentioned an episode with one yesterday, here, off the top of my head and by no means comprehensive, is a list of fantastic first kiss scenes. Feel free to add ones I missed.
1. Han and Leia - Empire Strikes Back. Anyone my age was in love with Leia, Luke or Han. You knew Luke had his little crush on her, but anyone could feel the tension between Leia and Han. Their kiss in the middle of ship repairs, interupted by Threepio, sets the stage for one of the most perfect movie endings later.
2. Buffy and Spike - BTVS, Epsidoe "Once More With Feeling". Forget Angel the boy scout-baddy-boy scout (I found him unappealing in any setting). Riley was a total dweeb. But Spike, mmmm, Spike. Sure, sure, he very recently had been a very naughty-bad boy, what with the killing and all, but he was still the hottest thing to hit Sunnydale and when he turned good against his will, dang, girlfriend, you couldn't have keep me off of him with a tazer. Spike may have been an evil demon and all, but you have to admit, when he loved anyone, he used his whole heart and Buffy was no exception. Their first kiss at the end of the musical episode rolled my socks up, and I don't even know what that expression means.
3. Rachel and Ross - Friends. Even though the show got over exposed and jumped the shark a good long while before it ended, Ross and Rachel's first kiss is a scene stuck in my head. Him standing at the doorway to the coffee shop and her struggling to get the door open. You could feel the longing and the possibilities in that one.
4. Cher and Josh - Clueless. Solely for the sly move Josh makes. Cher playfully bats him away, which he uses to draw her in for the kiss. Sweet, sexy, perfect!
5. Harry and Sally - When Harry Met Sally. She's sobbing, rejected, vulnerable; he's trying to comfort a friend and before you know it - bam! Kissing. Of course, it all goes to heck from there, but the kiss is still great.
The dancing kiss between Baby and Johnny (Dirty Dancing) is an honorable mention because it's not their first kiss, but whoooo. Seriously. I know you are picturing it right now.
At 10:36 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
Yes, but Cher and Josh weren't step siblings by the time they kissed!
Anyway, that's a good list!
At 9:51 AM,
Liz said…
They weren't related, ever! Totally okay! No blood there!
I was a big Spike/Buffy shipper back in the day.
I love 10 Things I Hate About You - great kiss there. I'm going to have to think about this!
I, too, miss first kisses. I think i got the best guy out there, but first kisses...ah. I'll never forget my first kiss with Nick!
At 11:54 AM,
Jami said…
Arie: They were only step-siblings for awhile, not like they grew up together, that could indeed be gross. Like the Bradys kissing - icky. And they were no longer steps when kissing, as pointed out by PW.
EDW: 10 Things is another great one, Ah, Shakespeare ;)
At 1:44 AM,
Unknown said…
A good one is Peter Parker (in Spiderman garb) and the famous upside-down kiss with Mary Jane.
A great one is from 'The Girl Next Door'. Matt's confused, doesn't know what to do...walks up to the girl, kisses her, camera spins, great David Gray song ('This Years Love') playing. Awesome.
At 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello! Came across your blog through EDW and I had to add a kiss. Sydney and Vaughn on Alias. It comes after a season and a half of sexual tension, lingerie and bikini’s, being shot at, tortured, saving each other time and time again and not being able to be together because of this pesky little thing called being a double agent. Oh, and a girlfriend and murdered fiancé to get past. Their first kiss managed to wrap all of this up into something goose bump inducing even though they were both in full on swat gear with big bulky gloves. Just had to add it! Great blog by the way!
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