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Hello loyal readers,
My apologies for not making it to the computer over the holiday (Jami's birthday) weekend. Here's a few quick things to share:
1. My Son Has Jedi Powers. Look, you can say this was just a coincidence, but the other day Eddie was standing in the living room playing with the Incrediblock when he looked up at me, lifted one hand over his head and yelled "BAH!" At the same instant, our power went off. I said "AHHHHH! What did you do? Put it back!" and the power came back on and he went back to playing with the blocks. Anyone know of a good master to start him with?
2. "Literally" is going the way of "Irregardless". Look, using the word "literally" means that something actually happened the way you are saying it, no metaphors or similies. It doesn't just mean "to the extreme" or "really, really". In the past couple of weeks, I've heard "Scared me so bad I literally jumped out of my skin." Geez, that must hurt - how'd you get back in? and on national TV, the sports commentator said something like "He literally killed himself getting that ball." Well, then somebody better call Buffy the Vampire Slayer, because he's still walking around!! Grrrrr.
3. If you go to Google and type in "Important Thoughts", I'm the first result (as of this writing). This confirms what I've always suspected, that my thoughts really are the most important. Interestingly, I'm fifth under "weird fears" and I also show up if you search for "Jami Atwood" who is not me, but that's okay.
Thanks to everyone who helped rock my birthday weekend. Special props to the Husband who took me to dinner and a movie, plus got me a Hines Ward jersey, blinky earrings and dark chocolate. Clearly, the man knows me well.
At 1:04 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
Hines Ward jersey, huh?
Good man, that Husband of your's.
At 11:06 PM,
Jami said…
Indeed he is, PW.
You and Loki will have to come with us to the pub to watch a Stillers game this year. Free food at half time and I'll wear my new jersey.
At 12:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi. I just Googled myself - Jami Atwood - and got your blog, saying that you were not me, which is just weird, if you think about it too much. It is also weird that we sort of look alike, and have similar interests.
Anyway, I just wanted to say 'Hi.' I live in Atlanta. My mother named me Jami after Jamie Summers, the Bionic Woman, although why she dropped the 'e', I don't really know.
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