The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Really, It Was Hilarious

Yesterday I was out on a walk with the baby and I had this great idea for a post. I wrote it all out in my head - it just flowed and I even laughed out loud a couple times. I wished I had the laptop with me on the walk so I could stop right there on the sidewalk and type it all in. I can see you know where this is going . .. Got home, put the baby to bed, got out the lappy, eagerly opened up the blogger (come on, stupid, load faster, let's go!) and realized I'd totally forgotten the entire thing. Can't even remember the topic. It's now 14 hours later, and I still for the life of me can't recall even a single word. sigh but if you need a good laugh, check out the picture below from my walk a couple days ago, as well as some of the amusing comments.


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