The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My Intuition

First, I don't believe in ESP, fortune tellers, astral planes, auras or your qi. Sorry new-agey friends, but I don't. I do however believe strongly in intuition, because IMO there's nothing mystical about it. My theories on that will have to wait for another post. As far as intuition goes, I have one really excellent, if rarely used "gift" which I mentioned in a previous post. On very rare occasions (considering the vast number of people I've met), I meet someone and instantly know that we'll be great friends or, conversely, immediately understand that no matter what, we won't. I know what you're thinking: self-fulfilling prophecy. However, when it's negative, no matter how hard I try, I can't come around to liking the person. Example: I met a friend of a friend - a few years older than me, married, no kids (same as us at the time) -someone my friend enjoyed. Later, I told the husband "I just don't like her". Couldn't say why, and realizing how unfair that sounded, I vowed to give her another chance. I chatted with her, pointed out her good qualities to the Husband, found more things in common. But she grated on me - the more I got to know her, the less I liked about her, things I could clearly articulate; the husband agreed. Off the top of my head, I can name 3 people I've had this scenario with, starting in grade school. Something about your body language or your word choice or whatever tells me we aren't going to be friends, and no matter what, we aren't. Happily, it works the other way just as accurately. At a previous job, I'd befriended a male coworker and as the company Christmas party approached, I dreaded and looked forward to meeting his wife. She sounded great when he talked about her, but I have a hard time making girlfriends and more than once, I've realized that some women think I want their men. Trust me, I don't. Immediately after meeting her, I turned to the Husband and said "I'm going to like her". All we'd said was "Nice to meet you", but I just knew - we'd be friends. We still are - in different states, but still in touch. Hi Rianne!! Others: PW - not just the bright spot in a string of dim temps/receptionists. I asked the woman in charge to keep her - not only could I tell we'd be friends, but she was shockingly competent. Dodged a bullet there, eh, PW? Remember the first time we had lunch? We went to the deli on 9th that's closed now. My coworker Tim - one of the people who interviewed me. The person who would be my boss was slightly intimidating. Tim looked me right in the eye and shook my hand and I thought "yup, here's one I like". He's proved to be a valuable font of wisdom, a hilarious cohort and a good friend to our whole family. College friend Mark - Lost touch with him since, but liked him from the first time he sat in front of me in a class turned around and said something like "Think this one will be stupid?" I can't say I liked M right away organically because at the time I was the only girl in my 3-5th grade Sunday School class and when I heard that the new organist was bringing a daughter my age, I swore then and there we'd be friends. And proceeded to scare the bejeeebers out of her being so desperate and pushy. Someday when I have more time, I'll tell you the whole story of Horrible Monica, the mean girl I knew right away was going to be trouble.


  • At 11:04 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Yes, I did dodge a bullet, huh? ;)

    I'm very much like this as well. Most people I can tell right off the bat whether or not I'll like. Very rarely am I ever wrong.

    Here's to temp jobs leading to friendships!

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I've felt the same way - when my former friend Sarah walked into class in college, I thought, I want to be friends with her. It was a great friendship for a long time.


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