The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

No "E" in Jami

Really, is this such a hard concept? J-A-M-I. Yes, I know, it's not the most common spelling, but since I've also seen "Jayme", "Jamee", "Jamy", and "J'me" (really!) I don't think it should be that hard to get "Jami". No, it's not short for anything. (Why do people keep asking me that? Is it usually short for something for a girl?? Jamilla??) No, I wasn't named for my dad James (my dad is not named James). Last week, ordering something from a catalog I actually had this conversation with the Foreign Customer Service Person: FCSP: Your first name, please, ma'am Jami: Jami - J-a-m-i FCSP: J as in John, A as in Apple, M as in Mike, I as in India . . . and, uh, no E? Jami: yes, that's correct. FCSP: Just J-a-m-i? Jami: yes. FCSP: Isn't is supposed to be J-a-m-i-e? It should have an E? Jami: (getting annoyed) I don't know if it's "supposed to" have an E, but it doesn't. FCSP: so just J-a-m-i? Jami: Yes. FCSP: and no E? Jami: YES, J-A-M-I. FCSP: (sounding skeptical) Well, okay Seriously, in a world where some people have made up names with hyphens and apostrophes in them, "Jami" keeps messing people up? Sigh.


  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    When they ask if there's an "E" at the end, say, "Actually, there are 5 E's at the end." When they say, "Really??!!", then you answer, "No, just messin' with your head, dude."

  • At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Unfortunately I have the problem you have only backwards. Everyone at works keeps spelling my name M-a-g-g-i when it is actually spelled with an "e" at the end (Maggie). I think it's this way because we used to have a Sheri and an Angi (no e's) that worked here. Anyway, I correct it on any paperwork that gets sent around to everyone and no one seems to notice, but it drives me c-r-a-z-y!

  • At 3:56 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    At least they don't transpose letters in your name. My name, if misspelled, spells out another name entirely.

    Most annoying.

    Don't even get me started on my last name.

  • At 6:58 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I have possibly the easiest names on the planet, first and last, yet I will notice people spell mine incorrectly more than they do my husband's, whose name is much more difficult than mine. ARGHH!!!!

  • At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know what you mean Jami. There are also lots of ways to spell Lori. (Darn "A Tale of Two Cities anyway) remember JARVIS LORRY? I took a lot of cracks for that when my class read that book a few years ago.

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    I'm another JAMI and I totally understand. lol I've spent my life dealing with the "no E" conversations. Oh, I'm in PGH too so hiya neighbor!! ;)

  • At 5:13 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Hi Other Jami!

    We'll have to start a Pittsburgh with an H club for Jamis with no E :D

  • At 1:16 AM, Blogger Najiwench said…

    yay jami's with no e! i hear ya, though on my birth certificate mine actually has an e, and i was named after my grandfather who was james...but still, i CHOSE to drop the e, because it was so common and i was tired of being called "mr." and it's my choice! i think it's cool and i love seeing other jami's!

  • At 5:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Another Jami with no E here!! Hi, I've basically had the same problem, but people also like to mess up the pronunciation and call me things like Jahhmee, or Yahmee. Sometimes I don't get people.

  • At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jami with no "E" here... The worst was when I was still in school and the teachers would read my name off the roster... I would always get "Jam-i" as in the word Jam and then the e sound.. People are so dumb sometimes.. Shout out to my no "E" girls!!!

  • At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have lived with this issue for 42 years even on my check for my 25 birthday my grandmother even put an E on my name.

    To make things worse ppl assume its a guy name even the goverment. i was married and had a child when at the age of 20 i got a letter from the draft board tell me I had failed to register for the draft. My mom had to call my senetor since I was living out of state with my husband who was in the army at the time............ NO I AM A GIRL AND YES THERE IS NO FRICKEN E

  • At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey. Another Jami. Well, actually it's really Jamilee (jay-muh-lee) but because I always get Jamie Lee or Juhmillee... I just go by Jami. And since there's no "e" in my full name, why put it in the Jami?

    Anyway. I don't have too many problems with people, but relatives often misspell it.


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