The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, August 28, 2006

A Few Good Hugs

Hugging is a skill, or maybe an art. Let's face it, we all know someone who just hugs "wrong". We've all had that awkward hug where one person was going for the hug and the other really wasn't (I've been on both sides of this, it's unpleasant either way.) I'm a hugger, but only for people I'm already friends with. I don't do the just met you hug, and it's going to be awhile after we meet (generally) before I want to hug you, but once we're friends, I'm all about a good hug now and then. I'm a fan of the one-arm side hug, especially. On Monday, the day we all really need a hug, here are a list of some great huggers in my life: 1. My nephew Adam - Adam gives fantastic hugs. I've never seen him turn down someone asking for a hug, and he really throws himself into it. He's strong for a little kid (4-years-old) and he really grabs on, but not in a needy or clingy way. I'm not putting down my other nephew or niece, who both are darling and cuddly, but they just don't have the mad hugging skillz of Adam. 2. My sister-in-law Bev - Yes, I know the first two are in my family, but let's face it, I hug family more than other people. Probably because of Bev's awesome compassion and sensitivity to others, she knows just how long to hug you. It's never too short or too long- her innate hugging timer makes each one just right. Also, when she hugs you, you can tell she means it. It's not a duty, she really wants to give you a hug. I look forward to seeing her because I know I'm going to get a great hug. 3. PW - I was surprised the first time I hung out with PW that she hugged me when we were leaving. I totally dug it, but I wouldn't have gone for the hug, afraid she'd've thought it was too soon. PW is one of the people I liked right away (a future blog topic) and I knew we'd be friends, clearly she picked up on the same vibe. BTW - her hubby is also a good hugger, and one of the few people who hugged me almost right away but I didn't mind. They're just huggy folks, and they should be - they clearly have the talent. 4. Jeanette - Jeanette is one of my former Sunday School students who has now aged-out of my class. She's fairly scrawny, but muscular, which might not give you the initial impression that she'd be fun to hug, but I gotta tell you, she's a total doll and cuddly to boot. She's so adorable, ya just gotta hug her. I don't know if being the baby of the family meant she got extra hugging practice, but she's a champion hugger. So that's my list for Monday. I recommend hugging these people if you see them, although if you're a stranger, PW might pepper-spray you if you try, so please introduce yourself first. Happy Monday!


  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…


    Blogger, you're actually working!

    Anyway, like I said before, this is what I wanted to write:






    But seriously, I learned hugging from some of the best people: You, Loki, Mixi and others.

    Do you know who gives the best hugs? Children. Charlotte loves to give me hugs, but since she only comes up to my knees, I get my knees hugged a lot. And if I'm not careful she is likely to take me out!


  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I was just thinking about this, hugging, when I was writing my last post on friends. So true. And we all need more hugs than we let on.

  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW: Knee hugs! Fantastic, I bet your knees never felt so loved. And really, don't we all take them for granted?

    EDW: We do need more hugs. Less stupid people and more hugs would make all our lives better. Except the stupid people because they'd no longer exist.

  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Oh, yeah. I know my knees are well loved. :) She especially likes to head butt my knees and them give them a hug. Cause, you know, that's what you do.


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