The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

An Odd Way to Start the Day

Fired up the lappy this morning and, as always checked all of my email accounts. One of them had an email with a "from" name of my best friend, M. Subject line was "hi". I didn't stop to think that it was odd she'd used one of my "spam" accounts, the ones I use to sign up for newsletters and post on websites. It was early, yet, and I wasn't quite awake, you know? So I open the email from my best friend and it says: "I think ur hot. IM me now! Lets make out" Fortunately, a second later I saw the IM name clearly belonged to an IM spammer/scammer, and I figured out that M was not hitting on me. But it sure woke me up!


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