The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Drive In Days

Friday night we went to the drive-in,one of my favorite summer activities (though now our drive-in is advertising that they're open year-round). Where else can you see two movies for $6 per adult, and take the baby with you (without annoying others)? We take our own snacks, though do occasionally get a treat from the snack bar (Saturday it was fresh hot funnel cake). I love sitting watching the sun go down and the little kids running around in PJs. Our double-feature for the week was Barnyard (which I reviewed here) and Monster House (which I haven't reviewed, but I pretty much agree with the Movie Guys' review). We expected a lot of families with kids, and we weren't disappointed. However, what really cracked us up, and the people next to us, was "minivan row", partially seen here: Image Hosted by That is about 1/5 of the solid row of minivans with their hatches open. It was the ENTIRE back row of the parking lot, with maybe one or two SUVs thrown in for good measure. I've never seen anything like that. In front of this (where I am standing to take the picture, is a HUGE empty space where you can park cars, but not vans. Probably enough room for another 20 cars, but never filled up, while MiniVan Lane was jammed to the hilt. The lesson - take your car to the drive in! It was a glorious night. Eddie made friends with the people in the car next to us (he even conned a cookie out of them). I talked to the little kids on the other side of us, and all of us enjoyed the "Rocket Balloons" brought by the birthday party in the front row. They were serious, they'd even brought a table with snacks and sodas! By the second movie, it had gotten chilly, everyone said goodbye and retreated to their cars and cuddled up with their blankets and pillows. Eddie slept through that entire film, causing Chas to start snoring about halfway through (try staying awake to 1am with a sleeping baby on you). When the movie ended, the few people outside packed up, kids made one last run to the restrooms and everyone slowly drifts off. It's a long, dark, quiet ride home, and as always, I fell asleep then. I love the drive in.


  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    I really love the idea of drive-ins. I wish we had one here!

  • At 4:31 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Hmm, no Arby's, no drive-in. Remind me not to move there. . . . Of course, you do have Kevin Smith . . .


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