The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Improve Your Putting in 1 Easy Step

So, this weekend my family went to Presque Isle (Lake Erie) for a weekend of beach bumming and family bonding. While there, we decided to play a round of Mini-Golf, or Putt-Putt, which ever you prefer to call it. I love mini-golf. Those who know you might be surprised seeing as I am a very competitive person, and I reek mightily at putting. So you'd think I'd despise the whole thing, but for some reason, even though I always, always lose, I enjoy a good night of mini-golf. This time however, I had my best round EVER!! I didn't have ANY of those ones where you get 6 because you've hit it 7 times and still aren't even close. I had no real 6s, no 5s only two 4s!! I was UNDER 3 strokes per hole as an average!! What did I do differently, you may ask? What is the secret to the sudden dramatic improvement in my game? A toddler strapped to my back. That's right. I had my son in the Snugli - 20-pounds of squirm, attached to my back, occasionally kicking me in the butt or yanking on my hair. Apparently, this is what was missing from my swing. I don't know, maybe having him back there forced me to balance more carefully or keep my head up. Maybe I've been leaning too far forward, or having to ignore repeated butt-kicks made me concentrate harder. I still didn't win, but for the first time in a long time, possibly ever, I didn't lose, either. I think the improvement was so dramatic that as soon as word gets out, you'll see pro golfers wearing all different children, for different situations: "Vijay's in the rough and he still has a good distance to the green, I'd say for this he'll want a crying 3-year-old, or possibly a very fat 2-year-old, with a lolly."


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