The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Jami Makes Dinner Roulette

I've mentioned my grand gardening experiment this year (in that I actually attempted one). The first things in were the last to produce - the pepper seedlings thinned from my in-laws. What kind of peppers, you ask? I did, too. "Various" my father-in-law told me. Hmm. My favorite kind. I ended up with three types growing: your standard green bell, some small wrinkly hot looking ones, and very pale yellow ones. Sort of long and smooth, a bit pointy. My FIL suggested that they might be lemon peppers, which, according to sources online, are mild and somewhat citrus-y. Interesting. After picking one, dicing it and popping a chunk into my mouth (BAD PLAN!!!) I decided they were not lemon peppers. Apparently they are banana peppers which, despite the name, are not at all banana-flavored. The diced pieces got tossed into some ground meat I was browning for shepherd's pie. My theory here consisted of the following thoughts: 1. the dish is sort of plan to begin with, so a little kick will be nice 2. peppers lose some of their heat when you cook them 3. they are in small pieces, so they'll just sort of blend. At least two of these may have been wrong. I served dinner, and the Husband and I dug in. After a few bites, disappointed, I mention that I'd hoped adding some peppers would liven the pie up a bit. The Husband doesn't answer because he's gulping down his milk. I take another couple of bites and then BAM! hit a pepper. Whooo -hooo! That little kick felt more like whole soccer game. My turn to gulp the milk. At this point, dinner became a sort of game of chance. Will this bite be mild or knock me on my butt? Only one way to find out. It was an exciting meal.

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