The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jami Celebrates September 11

I struggled with the title of this. Certainly the word isn't one we associate with the tragedy of that infamous day. I ended up looking it up on, and the first definition is "to observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities". And that's sort of what I was going for. This year I took a different tack to planning the day. In the past, I've tried to eliminate all the unnecessary activities, to spend time praying for the survivors, those who lost loved ones and the brave heroes from that day. But when I was thinking about it this year, I decide that a better way to honor those who died is to spend the day celebrating our lives. We slept in, cuddled in bed as a family, went to the zoo, went to "Old McDonalds" as Eddie calls his favorite fast food place. We had ice cream. I went to a play with a friend and out afterward for a few beers with some friends. It was a day to recognize the goodness that we have. We were blessed to not lose anyone, and for that I thank God. But we should all remember how fragile and unplanned life can be. Let's grab every moment together we can. Watch the baby orangutan climb with awe on our faces. Giggle at an old inside joke. Hug our loved ones as tight as we can. Never let a chance to laugh or sing or love go by. That honors the lives lost more than a ceremony, or a bell toll, or a wreath.

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