The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Jami Must Need a New Calendar . . .

Because mine didn't mention that today is Drive Like a Jackass Day. Which, clearly it was, and I went out driving all unprepared for being surrounded by total jerks. Grrrr! And yes, I know we all have our bad moments, but really: 1. During the rainstorm, on a steep hill that was muddy with construction stuff and those metal plates over parts of the road, I'm stopped at a red light. The driver of this HUGE truck apparently decides this is the perfect situation to attempt to drive directly up to the back of my car. I doubt you could have gotten a dollar bill between our cars. The car ahead of me rolls up a bit and I try to move forward, too. My wheels spin, I can feel the car slide back a teensy before I move up maybe one car length, and at that point the truck creeps up into my tailpipe again. He proceeds to follow me for several more blocks like that, to the point where I almost threw on the emergency break at one light so I could get out and ask him, just out of curiosity, why he feels the need to try to drive into my trunk. Is he trying to mate our cars? Drafting? 2. I saw two different people make left turns from a right lane, two different places/times. 3. At a light where the car ahead of me, me and the one behind me were all going to make a right, there is an ambulance coming from the direction we're going to. The people in the opposite side are moving into what would be our lane to allow it through just as our light turns green. Car Ahead and I slowly pull out into the right lane and Car Behind lays on the horn, pulls our around us into the lane the people are moving into and screeches to a halt inches from the people who pulled over. The ambulance goes by and Car Behind honks (at the ambulance? the other drivers?) again. I can see three kids in his car, who almost got to experience a crash. 4. Even bicyclists were in on it as I followed two of them who apparently had decided that because they were on their bicycles, basic rules of traffic don't apply to them. I also saw a wide selection of people ignoring stop signs, speeding like crazy and one woman who apparently thought that rainy conditions mean all speed limits are halved. The next time we have one of these days, can someone let me know so I can plan to stay at home, on the second floor? Because it's only a matter of time until one of these idiots ends up in my dining room.


  • At 8:39 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I always follow the rules of the road while on a bike. And in the car. It's of no use to people if I'm gumming up the works because I decide to do something stupid.

  • At 9:53 PM, Blogger NGS said…

    Argh. Following rules of the road on a bike is a guaranteed way to get killed. That's all I'm saying. Say I stop at a stop sign on a bike. Since it takes me a bit longer to speed up than your average motor vehicle behind me, that will piss off your average motor vehicle driver. I mean, I don't do crazy insane things on my bike (at least not on purpose), but some of the rules necessarily must be a bit more flexible.

    At least they are in my 50 mile or so a week bike commuting world.

  • At 12:06 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW - I've been in the car with you and always felt safe. Gold star for you!

    NGS - I see your point, but there are things you should just never do. They ran a red light at a dangerous intersection. They went around the blocking arm thing for the trolley after the lights were flashing. Just dumb.


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