The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jami Ponders Alcohol

Recently, I wrote this post about how I can't fathom hopping into the sack with strangers. When I had discussed this previously with an acquaintance, he mentioned that it happens more when one is intoxicated. Then last week, I heard a tale of a neighbor who took a stroll out of his house, into the public street naked and drunk. And I just have to ask, can you really blame the booze? I have to say no. I'm no alcoholic, but I'll admit to having tied one on a few times. I have been drunk. I'll even fess up to the fact that I love being tipsy. Not the home-in-a-shopping-cart drunk, but you know, having a nice buzz. So I'm not saying that I don't know how or why one gets drunk. BUT, having been as drunk as a person can be and still be mobile, I've never - NEVER- taken my clothes off in public. I've never even kissed a stranger, let alone gone home with one. I think that this points to a moral failing, more than alcohol-controlled shenanigans. Yes, the drink can loosen the inhibitions, but I just don't believe it can make you do something that you are definitely morally against. Example, at a bachelorette party, I stole the tiara off of an unconscious bride-to-be. Something that I would not have done sober? Yes. Something that I find abhorrent and embarrassing? No. If you're wearing a crown, don't pass out around drunk people who like crowns. (I did return the crown later). But I didn't knock her out and steal it. I didn't slip a mickey into her drink to get it. See? Lower inhibitions, not total lack of morals. Just sayin'.

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  • At 10:54 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    "If you're wearing a crown, don't pass out around drunk people who like crowns."


    I agree, I do the same stuff I would do normally. Alcohol doesn't make me a flirt or a talker. I am both sober!


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