The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Jami Finally Gets to Blog

Ah - busy as usual. It's no excuse. I have used my normal blog time this week to play Plantasia on Yahoo. I don't know why, I just couldn't stop playing it. I'd be composing my blogs in my head while killing beetles and watering my cacti and then it would be waaaayyyy too late to blog. Here's what's gone on, in the real world: Eddie had his last Gymboree class. He handled it totally well, even composing and singing the "Last Gymboree class! Last Gymbo class for meee!!!!" song while I sniffled back tears and couldn't even think "this is our last parachute time" without getting all mushy. Eddie had preschool orientation and his first day (today). In typical Eddie fashion, we had the following conversation: Me: Did you have fun? Eddie: No Me: Did you play any games? Eddie: No Me: Did you sing any songs? Eddie: No Me: Did you color? Eddie: No Me: What did you learn? Eddie: Nothing! Me: Was Miss Courtney nice? Eddie: NO! Me: Okay, do you want to go back? Eddie: YES!!!!!! My MOPS group started this week - yay! It reminds me of those few days when you go back to college before classes start; you see all your friends you haven't seen all summer, you catch up, meet a couple new people, get back into the flow, but there's no boring classes or stressful homework. That's MOPS, preclass college days for mommies. My brother, his wife and their adorable son visited (Note: All my nephews, my one niece and my 2 1/2 goddaughters are all adorable, except the half-goddaughter who is almost sixteen and would certainly NOT want me calling her adorable - but she is). Eddie loves hanging with his cousins, although he views this one with some suspicion as Z is younger and therefore likely to steal trains if we aren't vigilant. Eddie and Z played at the park and spent some time at Grammy's house. Good times. That's about all the news for now. I'll try to tear myself away from the virtual garden again soon.

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  • At 10:38 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    I love this post. Kids are so funny with this stuff.


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