The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jami Has to Rant

I hate to get down on my coworkers, especially when I haven't met an estimated 99% of them, but this was one of those things that makes me want to cry. The long-story-short version is that our division was sold to another company, so everything's the same except the name on our paychecks. Of course, they want to slowly change everything, but they're not going to tell you that. We got a survey from the new company last week, about our connectivity (you know, like "do you have a high-speed connection, if so what kind? What operating system do you run?" etc.) Every single day since that survey went out, I've had at least 2 survey results form some ding-dong who "Reply All"-ed. Sigh. the first one I got, because it had the survey in it at the top, (yeah, he cut and pasted his responses BELOW the survey) I thought I was getting a resend because I hadn't responded fast enough. Nope. I get to the end, see Peter's results - he has FIOS, if you were wondering, but doesn't know his operating system - and realize he's whoopsied. Then I see that there are three more. Then more the next day and the next. Look, we've all done this once, but for this sheer mass of numbers, clearly these folk make a habit of hitting that good ol' "reply all" button. Maybe that button should required a code. "Are you really authorized to respond to all these people?? I don't think so, what's your code?" Sigh. Now I have to weed out all the "Here's my answers, everyone!!" mails from the actual important work crap.

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  • At 9:59 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    See, this is why those mass emails that inform you of something probably not true are so dangerous. Teaches "reply all" to the wrong people!

  • At 9:19 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    About an hour after I posted this, I got an email from another coworker, which semi-politely said "stop replying to all, morons", but not exactly that way. Then we got the official email policy from HR, then an email who was angry about the guy who sent out the one about replying to all, where he said, and I'm NOT making this up, that if that's the way people in this company treat each other, consider this his two week notice. Seriously.


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