The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jami, By Any Other Name . . .

Will someone please explain celebrity perfumes to me? First, how can the perfume smell like the celebrity since he/she probably already wears a scent that exists? Hmm. Also, I get the idea that wearing the make-up/clothing line/ hair color that a celeb makes you think you look more like that celebrity (please note: it doesn't). But why on earth would you want to smell like Paris Hilton, Ashley Olsen or Antonio Banderas? Your friends won't think "Gee, Bob really smells like Beckham" because, and stay with me here, your friends don't know what Beckham smells like. We know what they look like, and maybe you can recognize the voice of your favorite famous people, but you don't know what they smell like and neither does anyone you're trying to impress. Today I saw scents for: Celine Dion Shania Twain Mary Kate Olsen Ashley Olsen Paris Hilton Britney Spears Mariah Carey Beyonce David Beckham Posh Beckham Sean John Jennifer Lopez Antonio Banderas And that's just off the top of my head. Also, Britney Spears' scent is called "Curious". Please - what could that girl possibly be curious about at this point? Or, do they mean it in the odd sense, like "curiouser and curiouser"? Just saying.

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