The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Jami Ponders the Pot Problem

This post is not about what you think it is. As I made lunch today, I pondered the old saying "He doesn't have a pot to piss in." It came up because as I went to make spaghetti noodles, I realized that my larger pot remained in the dishwasher, which I'd forgotten to start last night. So I didn't have a pot to cook noodles in, which of course, reminded me of the old saying. So that's how we got here. Now, you might think, at first glance that this implies that the poor person, for the sake of discussion, let's call him John, doesn't have any pots at all. I believe this must be a fallacy, because let's face it, if you have only one pot, you are not going to use it for pissing purposes. I'm just saying, if John is so very poor that he has only been able to procure for himself the one pot, my guess is that he would probably use it to cook in. And, if he cooks his meals in this one and only pot, he surely would not pee into it, am I right? Even a single guy wouldn't do that in his only cooking pot, especially since the saying must have come from the times before microwaves, so it's not like John can use his pot for pissing while he heats up his Hungry Man tray. Let's face, it, John can go outside like the dog, but he can't make mac-and-cheese without a pot, so a man of limited resources like John isn't going to mess up his mac-and-cheese pot. Therefore, it is my contention that this saying must mean that John is so poor that he only has one pot and that if he had another one, then maybe he'd have one to piss in.

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