The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jami Has Pajamas

Awhile ago, one of my friends told me about overhearing her 4-year-old son talking to his cousin. He said, "Boys have penises, girls have pajamas." I thought about this tonight as I was putting Eddie into his pj's, and I think the boy had a point. Boys wear pajamas when they're kids, but by the time they hit what - jr. high? High school? - they ditch the jammies. I can't say that I have a great deal of experience with men in their sleeping gear, but from what I do have, I'd have to say most men sleep in some variety of undershorts and t's. I could be wrong and every man reading this might be wearing button-down flannel jammies and a plush robe, but I somehow doubt it. The Husband owns two pairs of pj pants that he wears when it's really cold or when he's lounging around the house, but no full sets I, on the other hand, and most of the women I know, love jammies. I totally dig fuzzy fleece pjs and if it were socially acceptable I'd wear them about 97% of the time, including to weddings, funerals and the Grammys (but not the Oscars). I don't like nightgowns, though. The way I move around at night, a nightgown ends up bunched around my neck, like I wore a large, bulky scarf to bed. Not good. I prefer the pullover shirts to the button down ones, but both are acceptable. I even like short jammies for summer. Yup, girls have pajamas.

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  • At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Boxers and a T-shirt is my pajamas. Overshare? Oh well.

  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    More data that supports my conclusion. Feel free to overshare any time that it makes me sound smart, Patrick.


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