Jami and the Coworkers
You can read EDW's issue with a non-coworker but person working nearby here. In a way, it's what I've been sort of thinking about lately.
When I tell people that I'm a stay-at-home mommy (though now I have a part-time gig), one of the things some people will ask is "Do you miss work?" Let me just say, does anyone miss working once they stop it? Do I miss my job would be a better question. I do miss spending time goofing off online. I miss having nice lunches at a restaurant. I miss having work that was actually done once I finished it (as opposed to laundry, dishes, dusting, etc). I miss intelluctual challenges. I miss happy hours. I don't miss the commute. I don't miss my alarm clock (though I have one now that goes "MMMOOOOMMMMMYYYYY!!!!"). I don't miss demanding clients, impossible deadlines, or some of the more tedious tasks. Mostly I miss my coworkers, who at the last job at least, were mostly a good lot.
This new job doesn't have coworkers, which is a bit of a bummer. Ah well. At least I already have friends, right?
At 10:35 PM, Liz said…
Yes, I miss all that especially being online and getting paid for it. But work? Heck no! I'm good at sleeping until my child wakes me. :-)
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