The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Jami and Beloved Stanley

I never did announce it, but I named my iPod. His name is Stanley I. Poddy, though his close friends call him Poddy. I occasionally call him Beloved Stanley because I adore him. I had been wearing "real" headphones with Poddy, because I don't really like earbuds and for the life of me, I can't get them to stay in my ears. I think I just have malformed ears. Unfortunately, my real headphones were super-cheapy-free-with-purchase ones I'd had for awhile and they died. Very sad. I've taken to wearing the earbuds, since I didn't have anything else, and I've found a way to wear them that suits me. Basically, I run the cord up behind my ears and rest the buds on the top of my ears, like tiny speakers broadcasting from my head. Not only does this keep the buds in place more effectively, it also gives me a vaguely alien appearance, like I have antennas that I just didn't quite manage to hide. And that makes me silly-happy. Every time I catch my reflection with my little white antennas, I just grin. Just one more reason I love Poddy. Then, on the Simpsons opening a couple weeks ago, Bart wrote on the blackboard "There's no such thing as an iPoddy." Of course, Stanley is an "I. Poddy" but still. We were incensed. Even Eddie is familiar with Poddy. He calls it "Mommy's pod-pod" and will listen to one of the buds, if I let him. If it's music, he'll dance a little. If it's talk, he'll bring the bud down to his mouth and say "Hi, mommy's people". He's brilliant. Just think, he'll not remember a time before iPods. And so, Eddie, the Husband, Joxer, Stanley I. Poddy and I all wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Go forth and eat much. PS - I had originally written that I had alien-like antennae, but when I double-checked the spelling, I learned that the plural for the mechanical kind is antennas whereas the kind on animals is the -ae plural. Since mine are mechanical, even if they are on my very own human head, I went with the -as plural. Any English majors want to chime in on which of those is more appropriate?

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