Jami Finally Gets to Sit Down and Blog . .
and of all the things I've thought about all week long, not a thing occurs to me at the moment. Of course.
We do have our winner for the Word Game - it's Lori, once again! What can I say about someone who has won so many times except that she is clearly leaving you all in the dust. Rules of the game are here. This week's word, which I choose because it just made me giggle is:
furbelow - noun [fur'-buh-loh]
1. A ruffle or flounce on a garment.
2. A piece of showy ornamentation.
My, that there is an attractive furbelow. You know, in honor of the season. And because, in my head, it is said like the two words it's got in it, the Fur Below. So, go on out there and give someone's furbelow an encomium.
Anyway, Eddie got his first ever black eye today. Poor guy, he and another nice little boy were playing a game which involved them running in big circles in opposite directions when they collided. Unfortunately for Eddie, the other boy is just a touch shorter and had his head down. Recovery was quick thanks to a Capri-Sun given to us by the quick-thinking Gymboree teacher, which both cooled his eye and raised his spirits (a.k.a., sugar levels). Soon we were back to running in circles. Of course, I tried not to look unkindly on the other boy, but this did reinforce my belief that I am not the kind of mom who could deal with him playing contact sports. It's for the safety of other children, really.
My Christmas decorations are up. However, I am exactly half done with one person on my list, have not a single card filled out or even the pictures taken for them, and I can't even think about baking cookies. So, all-in-all, on par with where I usually am.
That's it for today; don't forget to play the Word Game, unless you fear Lori's prowess. As well you should.
At 11:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Eventually...at some point...you will post a word I already use to impress my friends. And then I will win this game you speak of...
At 11:34 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
Me to Loki: "What kind of furbelow is that?"
Loki to me: "It's my costume."
Me: "Oh."
His costume consisted of pajamas, a newsboy cap, a sleeping mask, fuzzy pink bunny slippers and Mr. Tuskers. Mr. Tuskers is the stuffed elephant I made for him one year for Christmas. And his costume was for show he was (and will continue to do for the rest of December) doing. Oh, of course the accent...which was an over the top British accent.
Just saying.
I'm married to him. :)
At 9:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was in church on Sunday and had the following conversation with Jean.
Me:Hi Jeannie
Jean:Hi Lori How are you?
Me:I'm alright
Me:That is a lovely furbelow you're wearing.
Jean:This old thing?
Me:I would say vintage
Jean:Thank you I'll take it that way.
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