Jami's Odds and Ends
Does anyone else think the name "Umberto" is just too close to "umbilical"? Every time I hear someone say "Umberto" my head adds "cord" to the end.
I don't follow baseball much, but isn't the World Series, at least in theory, supposed to be a contest between the two best teams in North America? Then how could I have turned the game on last night to see Boston ahead by twelve runs in the bottom of the eighth? They are still just one point a piece, right? It's not like they've added touchdowns. This is true: the commentators were so bored they were discussing Van Halen. Again, I'm not that up on the current baseball situation, but as far as I know, Van Halen is not really involved in the game, even the finals.
I have never locked the keys in the car, but I did leave them in the car today, in the ignition (!!) and with the passenger side door unlocked (so technically, I still haven't locked the keys in the car). I'd have to say that the Galleria parking lot must be a very safe place, because the keys, the car and all its contents were still there an hour later when I got back.
And finally, back to the Word Game, which I forgot last week: Rules are here. I expect EDW, Patrick and previous winner PW to humor me this time, please? This week's word:
abstruse /āb-strōōs'/
1.hard to understand; recondite; esoteric: abstruse theories. Obsolete. secret; hidden.
2. Concerned with obscure subject matter.
Have a great Thursday. Hope I haven't been too abstruse.
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was at choir practice when I was talking with Madlyn again.
Me:Hi Madlyn
Madlyn:Hi Lori good to see you
Me:Thank you
Madlyn:Are you clearer with"Dona Nobis Pacem" Now?
Me:Yes It was a little abstruse at first I'm getting better though
Madlyn:Yes you all are let's get started
Me alright
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