It's All in My Head
I had a post idea. I did. But now it's gone and the only thing to blame is: Mommy Brain. Hadn't heard of Mommy Brain? It's a common ailment afflicting women with children, especially little ones. Caused by a combination of lack of sleep, talking to infants/toddlers all day and listening to kiddie music,which sticks in your head worse than any 80s One Hit Wonder ever could, Mommy Brain makes otherwise normal intelligent women do stuff like fill sippy cups with coffee or forget their own phone numbers.
Plenty of people claim there's no such thing. These people have no children, or pay large armies of nannies to care for them. Think I'm making it all up? Try reading this actual conversation I had with my son aloud:
Eddie: "Ball!"
Me:"Yup, that's a ball."
Eddie: "Ball!"
Me:"Yes, can you roll the ball?"
Eddie: "Ball!"
Me:"Or throw the ball - throw the ball to Mommy"
Eddie: "Ball!"
Me:"Who's on that ball? Is that Spiderman on the ball?"
Eddie: "Ball!"
Me:"Yes, I see the ball."
Eddie: "Ball!"
Now, read that out loud over and over for the next 2 hours, then try to do simple math problems. Do it for 6ish hours a day (allowing pauses for eating and occasional naps - for the baby, not you) 7 days a week.
And, let's talk about kiddie music, briefly. The more cheerful and stupid it is, the more likely it is to get permanently stuck in your head. If you don't think singing the "Let's Get On the Bus" song for hours a day messes with your sanity, you haven't tried it.
Also, toddlers find things to do that you'd never have thought of. I find myself saying things like "Stop trying to feed the dog a crayon!" The poor fish were starving this morning because Eddie insisted that their food should NOT go into the aquarium, but instead must be carefully displayed in a very certain formation like some sort of art project. Right now, as I type this, my son is applying chapstick to his toes and making yummy noises.
With all the benefit concerts, why hasn't there been one for Mommy Brain? There's no cure, but there IS treatment, If we raies enough, each mommy suffering from this dread ailment would be provided an at-risk teenage girl (who has been subjected to training). Several days and/or nights a week, this girl would be a Mommy Helper, changing the 15th poopy diaper of the day, getting up when the baby screams at 3 am for no apparent reason, cleaning the applesauce off the TV. It would cut down on teenage pregnancies AND help reduce Mommy Brain.
Now I have to go, Eddie is trying to apply the chapstick to the dog, who doesn't even have lips.
At 11:50 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
Heh, heh, heh.
Funny. But true.
By the way, I'm sorry for flaking out on you again due to illness. I swear...
At 12:33 PM,
Liz said…
The part about making the yummy noises while applying Chapstick to his toes made me laugh out loud.
Nick suggested I might want the girl across the street to come over as a Mother's Helper, and I was like Baby, I need a JOB! But just between you and me, I've started mastering the art of sitting and reading while Emily plays and it's very enjoyable. And I think I might have to ban those Doodlebops, just on principle...I hate that song, it never leaves your head.
At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOL!! So so true. And the Doodlebop song is one of the worst. We don't watch them much anymore though (thank God!).. but I often quote the Wonderpets in daily life. :o/ Mommy brain is an epidemic......
At 3:36 PM,
Jami said…
PW: Don't worry about it - we've all been there.
EDW: I've done that a bit, too, just have to be careful not get TOO into the book when it suddenly gets quiet :D
Other Jami - PLEASE tell me how you got away from the Doodlebops. Fortunately he's not into the Wonderpets (yet) which is good because they annoy me.
At 11:00 PM,
s said…
I have no idea what the Doodlebops are, but if you're looking for kids' music that won't make you want to stick your head in the oven, you could try Justin Roberts. I'm a big fan of his Meltdown cd. And Mommy Brain is real. Very, very real.
At 5:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOL Jami. We got away from the Doodlebops because I told her they aren't on anymore.. and she doesn't know how to put the channel on to check! I'm evil. ;) She doesn't miss them much though.. she's left the Disney toons for Nick Jr./Noggin ones these days. I miss JoJo and Higglytown though. hehe
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