The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Brain's A Trophy

I was watching Sesame Street yesterday - not my first choice, but infinitely better than the Doodlebops, who may or may not be evil - and a cartoon caterpillar was singing about exercises. She sang about jumping and her back feet jumped, then her next set of feet and so on; at no point was she every completely airborne, if you know what I mean. This made me wonder why the animators had drawn it that way, just funnier I guess. Then I started wondering what animals can and can't jump. Not a running jump like horses or Joxer getting onto the couch, but standing still, straight up and down jump. I don't think the dog can do that, but really, I'm not sure. I mean, he's got knees on all his legs, but they don't exactly coordinate, you know? Not like that? It occurred to me that the only way I personally could test this theory would be to sneak up on the dog when he's standing still (pretty rare) and scare him enough that he'd jump straight up. Then I realized what I was thinking about and started to giggle. You know how things can just hit you wrong? I couldn't stop giggling about the fact that I'd been plotting to startle the dog in order to learn if dogs can jump. Eddie, who loves a good joke even if he doesn't get it, started giggling along with me, and there we sat, laughing like idiots while Sesame Street sang about the number 11 (a great number, sure, but not funny). Him chuckling made me laugh harder and before long I had tears streaming down my face and Eddie was shrieking with laughter. It was at this point I decided I need to talk to adults more. Re-read the title and see if you get it now. It's a pun.

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