In Loving Memory of Pop-Pop
My grandfather passed away last night. This illness or whatever it was that took him, progressed too quickly and then too slowly. I am blessed that I got to say goodbye to him and that I had him for as long as I did. My memories of him these last few months will not steal the better ones of him from all the years before. I will put aside the image of the feeble, confused invalid and dwell on the man, because to remember the first is like recalling the killer and forgetting the victim.
Pop-Pop told good bad jokes - silly puns and "groaners" - and always had a new one for you. He loved to bike, take long walks, golf and bowl. Pop-Pop played piano, all by ear. While he could read music, reading it just slowed him down. He only had to hear a song enough to get the melody in his head, and after that he could sit down and pick it out. After a few repetitions, he could add harmonies and play it well enough to be on stage. He played as a volunteer for more than 20 years to entertain the patients in the very home he passed away in. My grandfather served our country in the Navy during WWII, even if the most action he saw was the time he fell down the elevator shaft. He did his duty. He worked three jobs at once to support his wife and daughters. He loved his family, his friends and really, he loved people.
Once, my grandmother had a silly dream. Pop-Pop conspired with me to set things up as though her dream came true. When my mom and I went to "Glamour Shots" and got all dolled up and photographed, we stopped by to show off our garish make-up. Pop-Pop, who always found something nice to say, observed us a long time and said "Well, your lipstick isn't too bad."
He loved my son and I'm so glad they got to meet and that I have a picture of them together. And almost every time he saw me, he told me "you know, you're my favorite granddaughter" (our little joke, seeing as I'm his only granddaughter).
Pop-Pop, I will remember you and I will miss you. There is comfort in knowing that we will meet again, even if it's a lifetime away. For while we mourn, we do not mourn as those who have no hope. I love you, Pop-Pop.
At 11:23 PM,
s said…
A good grandfather is a special thing. I know how much it hurts right now (I lost my Grandpa six years ago and I still grieve)but I'm sure you'll take comfort in those wonderful memories. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Peace. Texas
At 1:57 PM,
Liz said…
Oh, honey, I am so sorry. My grandma died three years ago, and I think about her all the time.
At 10:27 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
I'm so sorry Jami.
Is there anything I can do for you?
At 3:16 PM,
Jami said…
Thank you, all. I realized yesterday that not many people get to reach 32 years old before they lose a grandparent. We are doing okay. The service is tomorrow and our whole family will be together, that is the important thing.
At 10:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jami,you have my total support. I'm praying for you. Love,Lori
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