The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Grilled Cheese and Plastic Sandwich

Yesterday while retrieving my son from the church nursery after service, I picked up a large plastic toy skillet. Not a realistic-looking one, but a big, hollow, bright red one with a smiley face painted on it. As I went to put it away, I flipped it over and saw, imprinted in large letters on the back, "DO NOT USE FOR COOKING OVER HEAT SOURCE". This is what our society has come to - a warning on the back of a very obviously fake skillet, telling people not to try to cook in it. Here's my solution: Remove all warnings like this, and if someone cooks with it and lives to sue, they should be immediately sterilized, as well as any of their living offspring. It's for the good of the human race. Hmm, this grilled cheese sandwich is more plastic-y and toxic than usual.


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