The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Argh! I'm It!

The following MEME was tagged unto me by Jim, who got it from Bambi, who got it from Nikki, not that I know who Bambi or Nikki are, and I'll refrain from guessing from their names that they may be strippers. Things I would like to do before I die 1. Having something published. 2. Be cheered by a stadium full of people. 3. Raise my child(ren) into intelligent, charming, polite non-serial killers. 4. Travel to oh, pretty much every place I haven't been, excluding Antartica and the north pole. 5. Learn Spanish and Mandarin. Things I CAN NOT do 1. Drive somewhere alone if I've never been there (see the Weird Fears post) 2. Tap dance. Not that I've tried, but let's just assume. 3. Whistle. I can make a sort of airy, whistly noise, but it's really not whistling. 4. Complicated math. 5. A handstand, though every now and then I think I must be able to by now (don't ask me why now) and I try. Still no. Things I CAN do 1. Convince clients that a bug they've found is a feature we intended to put in. 2. Touch my nose with my tongue. 3. Sing a decent harmony. 4. Remember conversations almost verbatim. 5. Make excellent homemade mac and cheese in the crockpot Things that attracted me to my Husband: 1. Romance - After our first date, he brought me a single rose (even did the throwing-pebbles-at-my-window thing) and told me that he's the kind of guy who likes to buy women flowers. He's super-romantic, even though you'd never guess it. 2. He's got a similar sense of humor to mine. Sure, everyone has SOME sense of humor, but it helps to find one that matches. 3. His unnatural calm. I admit it - I am a bit of a spaz. (pause for laughter). The husband stays calm in the most insane of circumstances, which I am a genius for finding. 4. Kindess - He's got a great heart. 5. Hard worker - this may sound like I'm planning to be a gold-digger, but I was raised with a certain work ethic and the fact that he had the same kind was very appealing, and has been a blessing to me. Things I say most often 1. NO!! NO!!! (to the baby, who is usually putting something in his mouth, or climbing up something) 2. (expletive deleted) morons!!! (NOT referring to the baby) 3. Excellent! 4. Yeah. 5. I don't care for that. (my new polite way of saying that something sucks). Books I love to read 1. Any of the Fletch series 2. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe 3. MasterHarper of Pern 4. Question Quest (or most of the Xanth books) 5. To Kill a Mockingbird Movies I love 1. The Princess Bride 2. Star Wars - 4,5,2,6,3,1 (though that changes) 3. Serenity (but watch the entire Firefly series first) 4. Dodgeball - a True Underdog Story 5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 6. UHF 7. Addams Family Values 8. Better Off Dead 9. Grosse Pointe Blank 10. Anything with Will Smith. Yes, even the really bad ones. I in turn tag Patrick, Paperback Writer and EDW, even though I know the latter probably won't make it today.


  • At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Addam's Family Values, Oh. My. God. I can quote that movie, the puppet part? Too funny.And my 3 year old got C and the Choc Factory for Christmas last year, and we watched it EVERY SINGLE DAY for two months. I love Johnny Depp and Tim Burton but honestly. It's bad when you long for a change...and by a change you just mean Gene Wilder. Anything to change it up.

  • At 10:44 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…


    I've been tagged!


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