The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Magic of Musicals

I love musicals. Pretty much any kind, really. Oh sure, there's been a couple that I haven't really adored, but given the chance, I'll go to the theatre any time to see pretty much any musical. I want to live in a musical. I recently told someone that if I had Jedi powers, there'd been a lot more spontaneous production numbers going on around Pittsburgh. There's an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where this happens and, of course, it goes badly, but that's because it was caused by summoning the musical theatre demon. If I can live in a musical, I'd be happy to get to star in one. I want that moment, you know? Where the spotlight is on me alone and I'm belting out my (character's) deepest feelings, in a gorgeous costume with all eyes on me. I want the musical swelling and the chorus behind me and every woman in the audience wishing she was me. Is that too much to ask? If I had the talent and opportunity to pull it off, here's who I'd be: 1. Belle, Beauty and the Beast. My favorite musical - and the song "Home" has pretty much all of the above. 2. Audrey 1, Little Shop of Horrors. Until I saw Beauty and the Beast, this was my favorite musical. More trashy than beautiful, Audrey is one of the funnest heroines, plus she gets to sing "Somewhere That's Green" and "Suddenly Seymore" which are both funny and great. 3. Velma, Chicago. Yes, Roxie is the lead, but Velma's more fun. 4. Ado Annie, Oklahoma. Again, not the lead, but the one you remember. 5.Ulla, the Producers. Absolutely the funniest musical ever. I'd pretty much play any part to be in it. Well, they're about to shut my power off, so that's all for now.


  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I've always wanted to be in Grease. Or maybe Funny Girl. Or Meet Me in St Louis.

    Loved that Buffy episode.

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    Grease is good, but it always bothered me that she totally changed herself to make him like her. Bad message. Good music.


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