The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I Will Try

"When you try your best but you don't succeed, when you get what you want but not what you need" Something about this song (Fix You, by Coldplay)really grabs me. Maybe because the first time I heard it, I fit the song - like every word of the lyrics had been written with me in mind. "And the tears are running down your face, when you lose something you can't replace." Who hasn't been there? Sometimes I think losing something you hadn't even had in the first place can be harder. The disappointment of losing the hope can hurt as much as losing the thing itself. Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones This is the part that always gets me. Home - even when I'm at home, if I'm hurting, I think "I just want to go home". I get cold so fast, and when I've been cold for awhile, I swear I can feel the coolness settling into my bones. The feeling I associate with "ignite your bones" is that rare moment in the middle of winter when I've almost forgotten what it feels like to not be cold and achy, and suddenly I find that warmth that chases the chill even from my bones. It has to be something that envelopes all of me. It's a safe contentment, a refuge from the coldness of life. and I will try to fix you We can't fix anyone. We can't fix their lives or what is hurting them or what they've done. I think everyone has learned that lesson the hard way at some point in their lives. But I think the reason I love this song is the hopefulness. He doesn't say "I will fix you." No one wants that. But we want the one who wants to try to fix our broken heart. Who knows that he can't heal our hurts, but he's sure going to try. It sounds like a sad song, at first, but it's a song I love to play when I'm sad. It re-ignites my hope. It reminds me that the lights will lead me home, and I have someone who will try to fix me.


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