The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Chubby Happy People

Why am I fat? To be fair, I'm not a fatty-bo-batty or fatty-fatty two-by-four who can't fit in the kitchen door. In point of fact, my legs are awesome, my arms a little fleshy, but not too bad and my behind is actually quite muscular, but I do have a big jelly belly. All the fat in my body likes to hang out right around the navel. Don't know why, just does. The whole "why" of fat is easy. I take in (or have taken in) more calories than I used. This is a pretty easy equation - I like food + I hate exercise = chubby belly. There's more to it than that. First off, I was thinking the other day that when I get really nervous or worried, I don't eat. Just can't. I guess if I weren't such a content person, I'd be thinner. I just don't worry enough. But I'll take fat over worried any day. One friend in particular is what people call "naturally thin". She doesn't watch her diet or exercise. I've heard her say "I must just have a fast metabolism" and "I can eat whatever I want". Now, she may indeed have a fast metabolism, but here's the thing - what she wants to eat, it isn't what I want to eat. She turns her nose up at McDonalds Double Cheeseburgers and might eat a fry or two, but doesn't want more. The more I thought about this I realized that I have never heard her say something along the lines of "ohhhhhhhh, that was soooo goooood" in relation to food or "I'm really in the mood for . . ." See - there's the difference. Just like some people really love one activity, and some just do it when they need to - she can eat whatever she wants, because she doesn't really want to eat, get it? A few years ago, I lost about 12 or 13 pounds. This was after 6 months of denying myself foods I enjoy, or just having a small, unsatisfying portion of them, and forcing myself to exercise 3 times a week. At the end of that time, I'd dropped a dress size. At first, I was all thrilled - look at me, I'm a (size number removed)! Then, after the thrill wore off, I thought "So what??" I still look round in the mirror. I still have my belly. And I've spent six months missing the best part of my one of my favorite activities. Don't bother warning me about the health risks of being overweight, I know them. Later on, I'll talk about my weight as a goal, but the thing is, I can't see enough benefit to changing my ways for such little pay off. Miss nachos for the rest of my life so that I can live a few extra years? Just not sure it's worth it. Maybe if I could see results faster (and still be healthy) or if I knew once I got to a lower weight staying there would be effortless, but we all know that's not true. So I'll still be happy with my sexy legs, great cleavage, slightly flappy upper arms and my jiggly belly. BTW - my son loves to zrbrt my tummy, and if it were flat and muscular, what fun would that be??


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