The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Weather or Not

Maybe I'm just nebby (Pittsburgheese for nosy, for those outside the 'Burgh), but I seem to overhear the most bizarre conversations everywhere I go. At the library the other day, a cranky old lady was complaining to the librarian behind the checkout desk about random things, but what caught my ear was: "When I was young, you could count on the seasons. It went Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter" (sharp hand gestures accompanied each season name) "just like that, every year, no question. Not anymore." Did I miss a meeting? Are the seasons in a different order now? "And we never had any of the confusion like there is now - a cold day in May, a warm day in January. That just didn't happen." Yes it did. In our memories, every Christmas was white, every 4th of July clear and warm and sunny, but that's just not the truth. "You just don't know what to expect. Someone should do something about that." We'll get right on it. Props to the librarian who managed to nod politely and not roll his eyes. I don't think I could've done it.


  • At 1:20 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    You know, you should submit that to Overheard in Pittsburgh. Funny stuff that guy has going on over there.

  • At 1:32 PM, Blogger Movie Guy #2 said…

    "Someone should do something about that?" You should track her down and explain to her that in fact she HAS done something about that. Her generation had a bunch of kids after WWII causing a huge generation boom. Thise kids have all had kids, and so on and so forth, causing dramatic global warming leading to the screwed up seasonal weather.

    Or maybe not.

  • At 1:42 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Good idea, PW, I'll do that. I have been saving up some of the better ones I hear in the ladies room at work (which for some reason I always seem to walk in on at just the wrong moment) and post them all at once.


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