The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

God Bless America

It's the Fourth of July, and like most holidays in our modern times, it's become a day to be off work, to party, to eat. We've even lost the name Independence Day, when was the last time you heard it referred to that way? I'm not going to bore you with a lecture of What Freedom Means to Me or preach a sermon on the rights we take for granted. I am going to say that I love America and I am sad when people who live here and enjoy her freedoms, privileges and almost ridiculous fortune put down and embarrass her. You have the absolute right to criticize our government, our leaders, our policies, but I hope you'll do it with the knowledge that that too is a privilege only dreamed of elsewhere. I hope even more that instead of griping or whining you'll work for change. God bless America, where I can ask the God of my choice to bless my country. God bless America, where I can drive and get an education, regardless of my gender or race. God bless America, where I can work where I choose, live where I want, love, hate, dress, and vote however I desire. God bless America, and our leaders, our land and our freedoms. May we use them all wisely.


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