Truth, Justice and the Jami Way
Reading EDW's blog post from yesterday, I was thinking about how much my true self I am most of the time. The point I made in her comment section is that I generally am the authentic me that I am at that moment - and that, my friends, is imminently changeable.
There was a quote I read years ago, which I can't find at the moment, which was something like "I am the most of me, when I am the least replete of me". This strikes a chord for me - if you want to see ME, come with me on the camping trips with my teens in the fall. I am too busy thinking of them to be concerned with me - and that's the most me I can be.
A few days ago, I subtley, steathily mentioned my blog to a friend. I believe it was something like "So, uh, read my blog yet? I noticed you haven't commented." My friend's reply was "Yes. I read it." Blink. Blink.
This person, let's call him/her Jordan, since it's non-gender-specific and I don't know anyone named Jordan, this is someone who's opinion I value. Clearly, Jordan went to the school of "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything." Jordan, I hope you're still reading and you'll let me know why you didn't like it.
Now, maybe Jordan didn't want to say why s/he didn't care for it; we were in a public place and perhaps s/he wanted to spare my feelings in front of our other friends, should they be listening. Or maybe Jordan thinks blogs are ridiculous, a paean to our own egos (yes indeedy!) and has no time to waste on other's thoughts. I tried hard to figure if I'd said something that would be offensive to Jordan (or really anyone). Couldn't think of anything.
The thing is, I'm not going to change much, even if Jordan does eventually tell me what the problem is. I didn't use any profanity, because I can write without it, and I do have friends who don't care to read that. It might be boring, I suspect it is, but it's not to me, and really, as much as I want others to enjoy it, this really is for me. It's a brain-dump that I used to do in email, in a forum where I get a little feedback, and you get better insights into my inner-workings. I'll change the picture if that's what offending. Maybe add a link if Jordan thinks I should've linked to his homepage or something. But to change much more - that just wouldn't be honest. And if I'm not going to be an honest me on my own blog - when will I?
At 12:27 PM,
Liz said…
My best friend reads my blog every few days, and never ever comments. I know it's not because she doesn't like it, I think it's because she feels weird commenting on it. In fact, many of my friends read and don't comment. I think they feel funny about it. Like, if I wanted their opinion, I would call or email them directly about it. Or maybe they feel too exposed, commenting. They're my lurkers. Most readers are lurkers, though!
Thanks for the shout-out!
At 8:40 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
EDW: I definately agree with you. I have three friends who read my blog on a semi-regular basis but never comment on it. I don't think it's because they think it stupid or whatever - hey, if they did then they wouldn't come back and read it - but they just don't want to comment.
Then I thought about it some more...maybe they want to keep their identity secret. That's cool. I don't mind. Or maybe they just don't have anything to say and don't want to risk being ridiculed or something.
One of them came in this weekend and told me that she reads my blog everyday - just to feel like she keeps in touch with me. And I liked that thought.
Not only am I writing for other people who don't know me, I'm writing for my friends who don't keep in contact with me. It helps them understand me.
Just a thought! :)
At 10:39 AM,
Jami said…
hi - maybe I should clarify. This person made it clear by the way s/he stated it and then looked away and made no further comment that s/he did not care for it. This is someone who generally offers an honest opinion about most things, without being asked, i.e., sees a movie, tells you what was good, what was bad, whether or not it's worth seeing in the theatre, renting or not at all. It was pretty clear s/he wanted to end the discussion there, and that was what made me wonder if something is objectionable. And if I care if it is.
At 10:53 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
Hmm...that's interesting. I don't know what would be so objectionable on your blog!
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