The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Conclusion to Wrong but Right.

Not long ago I posted a theoretical question. Basically, if someone is doing good things for selfish reasons, does that make the things being done of less value? Or, does it matter if someone does the right thing, but for the wrong reason? I admit I was a little disappointed on how few of you weighed in, but pondering the comments from those who did, I agree. It may be a slight, almost unnoticeable lower level of enthusiasm. It might just be that something just feels wrong about it. Whether you believe it or not, I think that our souls tell us that motive matters. It's not more or less important than our actions. Wrong actions for the right reasons also give us that same indescribable "off" feeling. I'd hope that someone doing good from a selfish motive would learn the value and the joy of being a benefit to the others and would continue on the right path, even if it started from a less-than-honest place.


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