The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jami May Need Pomegranates

Did I miss a meeting? Do pomegranates cure every known ailment including toe fungus? Because over the last few months, the number of products features pomegranate has exploded, and not just the edible ones, either. I mean, sure, there's pomegranate teas, juices, lemonades, flavored waters, breakfast bars, cough drops, cookies, cereals and diet drink mixes, but there's also pomegranate shampoos, conditioner, body lotion, body spray, candles, make-up, lip gloss, finger nail polish, deodorant, cologne spray and I kid you not - disinfectant. I am sure the pomegranate is a fine and noble fruit. I just don't know why it's invading. Should I be worried?

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