The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Jami in 2174 CORRECTION: 2124

So I read somewhere that our generation might be living to 150. Years old, that is. That would put me living in the year 2124. So, looking into my brilliant future, I'll paint you a picture of life in 2124. It's so nice here, what with the global warming, following the same trend of the 150 years before this, has raised the temperatures almost one whole degree Fahrenheit so that's good. The aliens made first contact a few years ago, and have taken several hundred of our top scientists for long term studies on their planet. (on the other planet: "It's great, Your Majesty, a whole planet populated with billions of these, and they're dumber than globnars." "Excellent, pass me more earth scientist, and some gravy"). In the 2050s, robots became advanced enough and inexpensive enough to be common in most businesses and households. The young designers, refusing to listen to our generation, only programmed them with two-digit years, and the 21H bug (twenty-one hundred, duh) caused the non-21H bots to go "bonkers" (that's the technical term) and start killing people, but fortunately only they only slaughtered the last few remaining people screaming about the global warming. Even the robots couldn't stand to hear it anymore. Al Gore, having made billions in the initial scare, had created the only true cyborg and downloaded his, uh, personality into it, and did manage to escape the robot slaughter. He then insisted on being one of the first scientist to go with the aliens. The flying cars still aren't available, because the idea itself is just stupid. You can't make "lanes" in the sky and we all know that people on the ground can't figure out which way to go in a parking lot unless there are giant yellow arrows painted on the street and you think they'll be able to hand travel in a 3-D space, where not only can they go the wrong direction, but they can do it hundreds of feet in the air??? Nope, President Mary Kate Olsen did the country right by outlawing the manufacture of them after the tragic bisection of her sister. Reality TV continued to take turns for the worse until "Who Wants to Eat A Christian?" aired and PETA bombed the network for abusing lions. TV is currently beamed directly into your eye on-demand now, which means that creativity, productivity and crime are all way down. Obesity, accidents, ad revenues and not paying attention at meetings are, of course, way up. A think tank of pregnant women perfected the first working transporter, so "labor" is obsolete. Babies are transported from the womb to nice warm blankets in Mommy's arms, and in some cases, directly to the daycare provider. Yes, it's lovely here in 2124. My nurse-bot downloads my blog from my ear-installed USB port. I've got my latest novel from the room of monkeys with typewriters, and it's almost as good as the last one. I miss the Husband, but Eddie and all 230 of my great-great-great-great-grandkids take turns stopping by. Jami 12, Jami 63 and Jami 109 are my favorites, I have to admit. It's a great life. This was corrected from 2174 to 2124 after I suddenly realized that I am a complete idiot and that 1974 plus 150 is NOT 2174. Did no one else notice the incredibly wrong math???

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  • At 5:39 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    It's good to know that Jami 2174 still feels the same way about Al Gore. :-)

  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I have no want to be a 150. :)

  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    EDW, I'm nothing if not consistent.

    PW - you must live that long if I will be. Who else will play Catan with me in the nursing home?


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