The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Jami's Friday Feast

Feast 185 I haven't done the feast in a few weeks, but this week I did mine and EDW's as well, here, because I figure that my made up answers tell you as much about me as her truthful ones would tell you about her. Also, because I'm lazy. Appetizer What does the color dark green make you think of? Oh, so many things. A nice hideaway in a wooded area where you can't really see the sun for all the trees. My senior prom dress. My living room curtains. The Jaguar S-type I lust after - haven't decided if I want it in green or grey. Soup How many cousins do you have? Exactly two. Small family, I guess. Salad On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how honest are you? 8.5 Main Course Name something that is truly free. Someone going commando? Or did you mean at no cost? Dessert Using the letters in the word SPRING, write a sentence. Seriously, Prince really is not gay.

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