The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jami Rejoins the Battle

I'm sitting on the back porch. Minding my own business. Watching Eddie "golf". When I glance down and see them. The ants. They're back. Grrrr!!!!! For those who didn't read the saga of the ongoing war between me and the hideous little beasts last year, let's just say that I hate ants with a passion and wage massive war against them every year. It's that time of year again - the battle is on. To my horror, I discover that I am out of what the Husband calls "the killy stuff" - the Spray Of Doom. The ants get to live one more night. The Husband, planning on a trip to Sam's anyway says "I'll pick you up some killy stuff. What kind do you like?" It's simple. Read the warnings. The scarier the warning, the happier I am. I look for the ones that say "It's practically illegal to have this in the same house as your children. You'll die if you hold this can too long. Put it down now and run to the chemical showers". That's good killy stuff. Today we had our first round of Armageddon. I sprayed (accidentally hitting a worm, who I moved to a safer area. I hope he survived) and sprayed and sprayed. I watched for the escape route to be revealed and sprayed there, too. Then I sprayed a few more sprays for good measure and sprinkled the chili powder across the door threshold (that really does work). Then I glared around evilly, checking for survivors. None were found, yet. I've won this battle, but I know the war has just begun. I'm going to need more killy stuff.


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