The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jami Is a Good Egg

Ah, the Lenten season, when the stores are stocked with a variety of egg and bunny shaped candies. We both know that if I say "Easter candy" you thought of Cadbury eggs. Because they rock. It's the most brilliant marketing strategy - make a delicious candy, and then make it available only about 6-8 weeks a year. In the past week, three people in the stores have said to me something along the lines of "I love these and I might as well buy a bunch because you only get them this time of year." Just today, I'm in a grocery store working and a woman is looking longingly at the multi-packs of the eggs. I assume she noticed me watching her from the corner of my eye while I work and she picks up a pack and says "Aren't this the best?" I chuckle and agree. She puts it in her cart and looks some more. She takes another pack and says, "You can only get them at Easter, but they're soooo good." She puts the second pack in her cart and looks at me, at the eggs, at me. "And I'm PMSing!" She grabs another pack and scurries away. Brilliant.

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