If You're Headed to the Library . . .
Recently I did a post about books - basically, it was a nice long list and you marked which you'd read, which you hadn't but wanted to etc. It inspired me to create this list for you, my good friends, of books I recommend. I own many of these, and I have read them all several times. I tried to choose just one from each series that I loved, because I could probably fill this list up with 2 or 3 favorite authors, but that would kind of defeat the purpose. There are a couple children's books,too, but they're the ones I could still read now and enjoy. So, without more hype and in no particular order - Here's . . .
65 Books I Loved
1. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (Flagg)
2. A Spell for Chameleon (Anthony)
3. To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee)
4. The MasterHarper of Pern (McCaffrey) - provided you read the Pern series, can't start with this one
5. The Blue and the Gray: A Novel (Leekly)
6. Small Sacrifices (Rule)
7. The Enchanted Forest Chronicles (Wrede)
8. Q-in-Law (David)
9. Dave Barry's Complete Guide To Guys (Barry)
10. The Kitchen God's Wife (Tan)
11. A Wrinkle in Time (L'Engle)
12. Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook (Piven, Borgenicht & Deweese)
13. The Girlfriends' Guide to the Toddlers (Iovine)
14. Mythology 101 (Nye)
15. Sleeping with the Enemy (Price)
16. A Christmas Carol (Dickens)
17. The Essential Calvin and Hobbes (Watterson)
18. The First Wives' Club (Goldsmith) WAY meaner than the movie
19. On a Pale Horse (Anthony)
20. The Undomestic Goddess (Kinsella)
21. The Buck Passes Flynn (McDonald)
22. Freedom's Landing (McCaffery)
23. Tell Me Again About The Night I Was Born (Curtis)
24. Kramer Vs. Kramer (Corman) Way, way, way better than the movie
25. Summer Sisters (Blume)
26. The Pistachio Prescription (Danziger)
27. The Dilbert Principle (Adams) - not a comic collection
28. Alta (Lackey)
29. The Princess Bride (Goldman) Snarkier and funnier than the movie
30. The Han Solo Trilogy (Crispin)
31. Army Survival Manual FM21-76 (Dept. of Defense)
32. Little Town on the Prairie (Ingalls Wilder) - my favorite of the series when I was younger
33. The Ten Commandments: The Significance of God's Laws in Everyday Life (Schlessinger, Vogel)
34. Being Human (David) Must read whole series, but this is probably my favorite
35. Pride and Prejudice (Austen)
36. The Stand (King) and probably the only one of his I would re-read at this point
37. Really Bad Girls of the Bible (Curtis Higgs)
38. The Boxcar Children (Warner)
39. Tears of Rage (Walsh)
40. Alanna (Pierce)
41. Ghosts of Hopewell (Fisher)
42. Delta Style (Burke)
43. The Pinballs (Byars)
44. How to Survive the Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion (Wilson)
45. Ramona the Pest (Cleary)
46. Starving for Attention (Boone O'Neill)
47. Sorcery and Cecelia or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot (Wrede, Stevermer)
48. The Outsiders (Hinton)
49. The Case for Faith (Strobel)
50. Confess, Fletch (McDonald)
51. Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade (DeClements)
52. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Haddon)
53. Return of the King (Tolkein) you have to slog through the first one, the second is better, this one is great. Didn't see the movie.
54. Curly Girl (Massey) Only for those with curls
55. How To Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way (Campbell) Mine's autographed!
56. Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance to Punctuation (Truss)
57. The Shadow Sorceress (Modesitt)
58. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Adams)
59. Babyhood (Reiser)
60. 100 Most Dangerous Things in Everyday Life (Lee)
61. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Rowling)
62. Flowers in the Attic (Andrews)
63. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Dahl)
64. Fractal Mode (Anthony)
65. Spike and Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row (Golden)
I tried to make it to 100, I really did. I could have made it easily listing all the Anne McCaffrey, Ann Rule, Piers Anthony and Gregory McDonald books, but what would be the point? So, hope this gives you something to look for next time you need something to read.
At 10:46 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
Hmmmm...I might have to take this one from you!
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