The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Eddie and Me Vs. The Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry and grape tomatoes are very tricky, sly - sneaky, even. They look like they should be delicious, sweet and juicy, like, well, cherries or grapes. And yes, I know that they are so named for just that reason. However, they taste like raw tomatoes - yuck! You'd think, with those names, they'd at least be cherry or grape flavored, though that probably would not be much better. Every so often, I am fooled by their delicious appearance I think Something that looks that good must taste good. And even though I know that it's going to taste gross, I take a bite, and somehow I am mildly surprised that they still are yucky. This weekend, when we were at a restaurant, the Husband had a salad which came with cherry tomatoes. As soon as Eddie spotted them, he stretched and grasped and waaaaaannnntted them. I told him he wouldn't like them. He insisted. I gave him one and I wish I had a picture of the confused expression on his face when he bit into it and discovered that it was indeed, a tomato. Apparently, this ongoing battle will be passed onto my children. Now, you might say "But Jami, tomatoes are delicious!" and you'd be right, provided that they are cooked, and/or part of a sauce. Raw tomatoes are not delicious; in fact, allow me to quote a professional chef I know who says "Uncooked tomatoes taste like snot with skin". That's a person trained in the art of cuisine, not just some schmo like me. And let's not even get started on the whole vegetable/fruit thing. Tomatoes - not to be trusted.

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  • At 12:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said…


    I love the grape, the cherry, the big old red ones. Raw or cooked. A great way to eat them raw and kill the nutritional value is to slice and salt and eat. Mmmmm...

  • At 8:17 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    Have you had heirloom tomatoes? They really are delicious. Pretty, too. They are often eaten with fruit since they're so sweet and tiny.

  • At 9:11 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I love good...must have tomatoes...

  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Oooh, I beg to differ. Not with the little ones... but I **love** a big beefsteak tomato raw, all I need is a knife and fork, and a little bit of salt.

  • At 5:03 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    EDW: I haven't tried the Heirloom ones, maybe I'll give them a chance. I don't know though - raw tomatoes are still raw tomatoes.

    Jim: Another tomato taking the name of a delicious food. Hmm, is there a conspiracy here? I think so . . .


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