Eddie and Me Vs. The Cherry Tomatoes
Cherry and grape tomatoes are very tricky, sly - sneaky, even. They look like they should be delicious, sweet and juicy, like, well, cherries or grapes. And yes, I know that they are so named for just that reason. However, they taste like raw tomatoes - yuck! You'd think, with those names, they'd at least be cherry or grape flavored, though that probably would not be much better.
Every so often, I am fooled by their delicious appearance I think Something that looks that good must taste good. And even though I know that it's going to taste gross, I take a bite, and somehow I am mildly surprised that they still are yucky. This weekend, when we were at a restaurant, the Husband had a salad which came with cherry tomatoes. As soon as Eddie spotted them, he stretched and grasped and waaaaaannnntted them. I told him he wouldn't like them. He insisted. I gave him one and I wish I had a picture of the confused expression on his face when he bit into it and discovered that it was indeed, a tomato. Apparently, this ongoing battle will be passed onto my children.
Now, you might say "But Jami, tomatoes are delicious!" and you'd be right, provided that they are cooked, and/or part of a sauce. Raw tomatoes are not delicious; in fact, allow me to quote a professional chef I know who says "Uncooked tomatoes taste like snot with skin". That's a person trained in the art of cuisine, not just some schmo like me.
And let's not even get started on the whole vegetable/fruit thing. Tomatoes - not to be trusted.
At 12:45 AM,
Unknown said…
I love the grape, the cherry, the big old red ones. Raw or cooked. A great way to eat them raw and kill the nutritional value is to slice and salt and eat. Mmmmm...
At 8:17 AM,
Liz said…
Have you had heirloom tomatoes? They really are delicious. Pretty, too. They are often eaten with fruit since they're so sweet and tiny.
At 9:11 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
I love tomatoes...so good...must have tomatoes...
At 11:47 AM,
Jim McKee said…
Oooh, I beg to differ. Not with the little ones... but I **love** a big beefsteak tomato raw, all I need is a knife and fork, and a little bit of salt.
At 5:03 PM,
Jami said…
EDW: I haven't tried the Heirloom ones, maybe I'll give them a chance. I don't know though - raw tomatoes are still raw tomatoes.
Jim: Another tomato taking the name of a delicious food. Hmm, is there a conspiracy here? I think so . . .
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