The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Feast

Feast One Hundred & Sixteen Appetizer What is your favorite beverage? Diet Coke with Lime. At room temperature. Or, hot Earl Grey tea with a half-packet of Splenda and some lemon juice. Soup Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work. Don't have one at home - at work, I've got my electric kettle (for making tea), my kleenex box since I have a cold, and my 2 liter of Diet Coke with Lime. Salad On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are? Honestly? :D I'd say a 9. Main Course If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why? I would rename Blueballs, PA because I feel bad for them. It's a bad name. I'd call it Relief, PA instead. Dessert What stresses you out? What calms you down? Stress: Lack of sleep, rude people, missing self-imposed deadlines, too much to do. Calms: Music, Steve-o the TiVo, hot bubble bath, deep breathing, hugs from Eddie.


  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I love that you've named your Tivo, Steve-O.

    That's funny.

  • At 1:21 PM, Blogger Shawnee said…

    Love Earl Grey, can't do the Splenda.

    Funny Main Course!

  • At 3:41 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    I can't take full credit for the name of the TiVo - I can't remember exactly, but my coworker and I were talking about something and both realized that Steve-o would be a great name for a TiVo, at about the same time. We argued for a bit over who gets to call their TiVo Steve-o, and then decided that since they "live" in different houses, they can both be Steve-o.


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