The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I Hate the World Today

Actually I don't, but I love that line from the Meredith Brooks song "Bitch". One of the best starts to a song ever. And there are plenty of days that's true. I don't hate the world today, but I'm about as close to total apathy as I can get. This cold has been going on, oh, I don't know, for about a year now. I'm sick, I'm behind at everything and more than anything, what I want is to sit in a nice steamy room for an hour, and then sleep, really sleep for about 12. Of course, for the past 10 days or so, if I fall asleep, I wake up shortly thereafter because: 1. I cough myself awake. 2. The baby coughs until I wake up. 3. The baby cries or 4. I dream the baby is crying. Tonight I think I'll drink a few beers and a bottle of NyQuil, put earplugs in and pass out before I even reach the bed. I've felt so out of it all day that I've spent a total of at least an hour, staring at my monitor going "hunh?" And, just because blogger hates me, I've successfully posted on a couple of people's blogs, but at least three others I've tried to post on have lost the comment and on every single one, I've had a 7-10 letter verification, usually with the letters that are hard to distinguish. Grrrrr. Now, I'm patiently waiting for my coworker to finish up and drive me home, so I can look around at my messy kitchen, out-of-control dining room and almost-gas-station-worthy bathroom and wish I had the energy to clean one of them. But hey, tomorrow's Friday, right?


  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    I feel you. And i love that song - perfect for blaring out of car windows when you're alon in the car and want to sing at the top of your lungs!

  • At 11:00 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    It is definitely one of the best driving songs. It's a good in-the-shower song, too.


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