The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Post I Meant To Write

Here's what I planned to write earlier, when I had too many other things to deal with. Yesterday my mom brought out some of the things she'd kept from my childhood. She'd put them away until her grandchildren would use them, and to me, it's like a time capsule that appears piece by piece every time I visit her house. My rocking chair is out now, a little red wooden one as old as I am, made by the Amish. But yesterday was the best so far! First, my old favorite book - "What Will I Be?" the copyright is from the 60s, and the book is a little bit chauvinist. A little girl looks in the mirror and imagines what she will be when she is grown up. Her career choices in this book are nurse, cowgirl, stewardess and ballerina. Now, in the first three, she bests the men in the scene she envisions (the doctor can't save the boy, but she can; she out-rides the cowboys; the male pilot is helpless as the plane is going down, she saves the day), so I guess it was an early stab at feminism. More importantly - my Spelling B!!!! I was so excited to see this. I loooooooved this toy. The picture doesn't give you the whole thing. It has a little case and a booklet for playing some of the games. How excited was I to see this? Not only did I yell "MY SPELLING B!!" upon seeing it, but I even knew that it needed a 9-volt battery. Which of course, my parents didn't have and we don't have any here, either. I'll get one tomorrow. I can't wait to play it. It has hang-man (called "Mystery Word") and scramble. It has the easy "Starts With" game and the pictures where you have to spell the word. I probably won't play those, too easy. I played this game until I was way too old for it - maybe this game is partially responsible for my love of word games. Not only is Eddie not old enough to use it, but even when he is, I don't know . ..I mean, it's MINE. My maiden name and my parents' phone number is all over it, a testament to the absentmindedness of my childhood, but I managed to never lose the B. There's not a point here - I was just really excited to see my old toy. I'm sure there are plenty of toys I loved and outgrew, but how many would I actually want back? I don't know. I don't care. I have to see if I can find a 9-volt battery somewhere in the house.


  • At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The childhood memories flood my mind as I retrieved your childhood items from their 30 year slumber. It's amazing they appear in such good condition - as if they came from yesterday instead of yesteryear. Most kids had dolls, you had Spelling B. That might be the only one in existance - who else would have saved such a toy?

    The rocking chair was bought when you were a infant. We had little money at the time but wanted that adorable handmade rocker for our little girl. Do you remember the pictures we have with you sitting on it with the homemade sweater one of Grandma's friends knit for you? It's not a typical Jami picture - I'm not sure why I say that other than it makes you look quiet and reserved, like you were having your portrait painted and had to keep still unbearably long. Anyway, there aren't any more treasures stashed away that I know of. So we'll keep the little rocker for Eddie to use, while you play with your new-found spelling B! (did you find a 9 volt yet?)

  • At 10:07 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I had a doll that was as tall as me when I was six years old. The very first time I went to the Philippines, my parents made me give my doll to my cousins. Did they ever give me another doll as tall as me? No.

    When I was a freshman in college I made the mistake of leaving my two teddy bears behind. The raggedy one, missing an eye and whose head was half off got thrown away. Poor Caramel. The bear that they got to "replace" him I'm saving for future children.

  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Alas, I have not yet found a 9-volt, but we have to go out shopping tonight, so it's on my list.

    PW, they made you give your doll away? That's just mean. I'm sure it was a nice gesture and meant to teach you generosity and whatnot, but come on, your cool tall-as-you doll? You should demand a new one now. Of course, the ones as tall as you now are sold to a different kind of doll-collector :O


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